Graduate benefits

Graduate benefits

At Job Corps, we will make sure you have the tools and resources you need in order to earn from what you learn. Here’s how:

Job Search Assistance

Work with our center staff to connect with employers.

Transition Allowance

Receive an allowance after graduation to help with the first few months of housing and living costs and transportation.

Career Counseling

Meet with our on-site career counselors to search for jobs, prepare for interviews and plan your career next steps.

Relocation Counseling

Speak with our counselors for tips and advice on moving to a new city for a job.

Advanced Training Opportunities

Build on your basic career training and keep strengthening your skills in the industry of your choice. Talk to your center staff for more information about an Advanced Training opportunity near you.

real stories

Real stories

Job Corps works. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out a few of our graduate success stories.

Dago Avatar Image
Kyle, Texas, Police
Homeland Security
Dago continues to give back to his community as he advocates for the prevention of violence, aggression and bullying.
Cassandra Avatar
H-5 Construction
When Cassandra arrived at the Alaska Job Corps Center in 2019, she was looking for a way to make a stable income and set herself up for independence. Cassandra did not know she would soon end up as a leader in the Construction training program, a typically male-dominated industry. She never let being one of the only women in the shop stop her. Instead, she let it motivate her. Cassandra committed to working that much harder to prove her worth. She gave it her all, and it paid off.
Sara Avatar
University of Washington Campus
Renewable Resources and Energy
Before Job Corps, Sara had graduated from high school and completed a couple of years at community college; but she didn’t know what she wanted to do. She had taken classes that weren’t suited for her personality, and she didn’t have great direction. Her roommate found out about Job Corps, and after some long conversations, they both decided to join.